HandBrake FFmpeg, no more Nvidia 32 bit drivers

HandBrake has been updated again to track the master branch, as it now uses FFMpeg 4 and no longer libAV 12. This could probably lead to other improvements, like NVENC/CUDA support, more formats, etc.

Starting with the Nvidia drivers version 396.24 there will be no more 32 bit support, the driver will be 64 bit only. The 32 bit libraries are still included, so Steam and other applications will keep on being supported.

In a few days, the updated drivers will be pushed in the Fedora repositories, and at the same time I will also remove the i386 folder from the repositories. Some i386 packages will still be provided in the x86_64 folder, as it is now for Fedora 28 and CentOS/RHEL 7. The packages that will be kept, are mostly multilib library packages.

The same will happen to CentOS/EPEL 6 at the moment a new 64 bit only driver series will be nominated as “Long Lived”.

Also the Spotify repository has already no more i386 support, upstream stopped providing updated clients. Judging from the web server logs, there seems to be almost no one using an i686 Fedora in conjunction with the repositories hosted here.

3 thoughts to “HandBrake FFmpeg, no more Nvidia 32 bit drivers”

  1. i assume the 32-bit libs will still be available for apps like steam that do not offer 64-bit build?

  2. This is bad place to ask, After the last f28 update push, Negativio17 multimedia repo
    has some issues. Nivida drivers fail to install.

    Jun 13 21:49:01 pita-24 sh[1571]: File: /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/390.48/source/dkms.
    conf does not exist.

    The link dir is broken

    1. Fedora 28 packages do not have nvidia drivers 390.48.

      Also, there is an issue when DKMS is updated along with a kernel on the same update run. You can fix it by running these commands from a terminal, also when running under Nouveau:

      dkms remove nvidia/ --all
      dkms install nvidia/

      Or use akmod-nvidia.

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