As many have requested, I’ve enabled the updates for CentOS 7.4. As of this very moment, you need to enable the Continuous Release repository, which will get emptied when the final CentOS 7.4 images will be released. This means all the temporary packages I’ve put in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4 repository are now mainline.
If you are on CentOS 7.3 please proceed as follows:
# yum clean all
# yum-config-manager --enable cr
# yum update
You can then disable the cr repository (if you want) once CentOS 7.4 is out.
If you are on RHEL 7.4, you need to remove the temporary repository:
# yum clean all
# rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel74-temp.repo
# yum update
All Gstreamer packages are now at 1.10 as well as some other updates that have been already pushed into the Fedora repositories, like x265, HandBrake, etc..
Hello Slaanesh, please would you also consider enabling packages for EL7.5 since Centos 7.5 already hit CR repo? Thank you very much 🙂
Working on it. All the packages with the latest updates (FFmpeg 4, HandBrake 1.1 etc. are already built and will be pushed along 7.5 support.
Thank you very much Slaanesh, using EL with your packages is great experience, I really appreciate it and I’m sure many other people too 🙂
The last lame-{devel,libs} packages are i686 only so it gets in conflict with EPEL.
Hello, the update is in
and is heading towards stable:
yum --enablerepo=epel-testing update lame\*